Aquinas Institute of Theology, founded in 1925, is a Roman Catholic graduate school sponsored by the Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great. Located on the St. Louis University Campus, Aquinas students enjoy the benefits of the major university. Chiodini Architects was chosen to design the new Aquinas Institute of Theology Priory as their residential/priory/living and learning center. It is a residential facility serving and supporting the Dominican order while studying and teaching at St. Louis University.
The Priory contains 45 individual, residential units, offices, a chapel, dining facilities, conference/meeting rooms and lounge/activity spaces. The site for the Priory is an urban context near St. Louis University, thus the architectural expression of the Priory is historically connected with the community and the university.
Project Details
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Area: 36,220 SF
Area: 36,220 SF